Just Peachy......

We are back in Texas, actually we have been here for awhile now. It's good to be home!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Deal or No Deal

Deal or No Deal is a new game show on NBC. I watched it for the first time tonight. Howie Mandel is the host, and people are going for a chance to win a million dollars. They pick different cases that have certain dollar amounts inside, and in between picking cases a "banker" calls and he makes a deal to try and buy the first case the contestant picked. Anyways, its kind of fun to watch. It's silly and a little stupid but it was better than watching reruns.
Did any one else watch it? If so what did you think?

Sunday, December 11, 2005


The last two weekends we have watched a few movies. Some have been really good, some have been not so good. We have seen Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, War of the Worlds, Fantastic Four and The Dukes of Hazzard.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was my favorite. I loved the book, and they did an awesome job with the special effects. It followed the book fairly well, which surprised me because the book was long with tons of detail. I would highly recommend both reading the book and seeing the movie.

War of the Worlds was good. Michael liked it more than me. Another movie that had some great special effects. It was very intense and kept me on the edge of my seat. For an alien movies, which I usually hate, I liked it.

Fantastic Four was OK. Had good special effects. The over all story line was lacking something, I am not sure what it was but I will not be adding this movie to my collection.

The Dukes of Hazzard was OK. I did not have real high expectations going into this movie. The only thing that was like the TV series was the names of the people. I might add this one to my collection some day, just because I thought it had some really funny parts.

What movies have you seen lately? Were they good?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Good Bye to the Benz!

We are trading in the Benz for a Fusion. This pic is just like the one that I am getting. I am so excited. This is my first NEW car, that I picked out. I should get to drive it for the first time on Friday. I can't wait!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Finally, we got our TiVo back! We had to send back the second one because it was having problems. TiVo received it on October 12th. When we sent to they said that it would be returned to us within 5 to 10 business days. WHATEVER!
We had to make several phone calls and finally had to threaten legal action. It took them 33 business days (54 days total) before we finally got it back.
When we would call the people who would talk to were really nice and helpful. But it was like after they got off the phone with us they totally forgot what they promised to do. It was very frustrating. But we have it back now and that is all that matters.
I do have a question for everyone that reads this? Do you think that on a whole customer service has become a joke? Has anyone out there have any really good experiences lately? If not, what kind of experiences have you had? What happen?
What do you think we could all do the help improve the level of customer service that we receive? Any ideas.........