Just Peachy......

We are back in Texas, actually we have been here for awhile now. It's good to be home!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Damn it!

I have now been sucked into the world of myspace. Over the weekend I have been working on my site. I am not totally ready for anyone to really look at it. I am still trying to figure it all out and I want to get some fun stuff on there so when people start of go on it, it will have some fun/funny stuff to look at. When I am ready for people to look at it I will post it and let ya'll know.
Who else out there that actually reads my boring blog has a myspace account?

Monday, July 24, 2006

Finally a New Blog!

I know that I have not done an entry in a really long time. What can I say I have been busy. Anyways, put me back on your looking list because I am going to start doing a new entry at least once a week if not more often. And now that I have a good camera and faster internet, I can finally start posting pic's.

Stay tuned!