Just Peachy......

We are back in Texas, actually we have been here for awhile now. It's good to be home!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Class of '95 Reunion

My 10 year high school reunion is coming up this September. In some ways I can not wait to go, in others I am not real excited. I want to go to see some old friends that I have lost contact with and also it gives me another reason to go home and see my family. The only reason why I am not real excited is because some of the people I have talked about it to seem to have a negative attitude towards they whole thing. In some ways I understand some of the negativity mostly because of the cost. But, you only get to have one 10 year reunion so you might as well go and enjoy it. Right?
There are many things in life that we all do just because its a once or maybe twice in a life time thing. Some of these things are homecomings, recitals, award ceremony's, weddings, baptisms, prom and I could go on and on. To me reunions are the same thing. It may not be one of the most exciting things to do but it still something you do not want to miss. I know I won't!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


It has been a few days since my last entry, sorry for that. I have been busy dealing with drama. As I said in my first entry, my 17 year old niece came to live with us this summer. For the most part things went well, and we enjoyed having her here. But, to make a long story short things just started to not work out.
It was a long weekend, and I had so many things to think about. I had to make one of the hardest decisions of my life. I had to tell LaLa that she could no longer stay with us. It broke my heart to have to do this to her. She has been through so much in her short life, and I hate it that I had to be yet another person in her life to let her down. But sometimes you just have to let go of someone so they can find their own way.
I love her and I miss her very much. I hope that she finds her way soon and starts to make better decisions for herself. She will be forever in my prayers and in my heart.

Over the weekend we went 2 whole days with no rain!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Rain, Rain, Rain

One major difference of living in Georgia than Texas is all the rain. For the past month, it rains just about every day. Lately, we have been getting daily thunder storms. Last month, when we were having one of our daily storms the lightening struck so close to the apartment that it killed the X-Box. Plus, it killed my neighbors TV and DVD player, and it also messed up the access control gates. Also, last month was a record breaking month for rain, we have about 18 inches of rain, some places had more some had less.

In Texas all summer long we prayed for rain and would have to go on schedules for when we could water the grass and have to be careful and watch out for grass fires. Here I think we need to start collecting animals two by two and get going on that ark.

In Georgia, umbrellas are an accessory and a total necessary. You never leave the house here without your trusty umbrella because if you do, you will get wet! I am starting to feel like a prisoner because everything I want to leave the house another storm pops up and I have to alter my plan. Now do not get the wrong idea, I do not mind getting wet, I do not mind driving in the rain, but I do mind all the stupid people who still do not know how to drive in the rain. Which is weird because it rains everyday. The strangest thing I have seen here is so many people putting one the flashers every time a few rain drops come down.

The thing that sucks the most is I was getting a really good tan and now I can never get to the pool and I am fading fast. Then there is my hair, it is always flat, frizzy and greasy looking. But I am starting to get the hang of hair products and their wonderful uses.

But, there are some days that it is really nice. Its not all bad. I would just like a week of NO RAIN!


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A soldier leaves today......

This morning my neighbor and friend, Kevin, left to go over to the war. He will be gone for a year. Kevin and his wife (soon to be ex-wife now) were our first friends in Georgia. In the past few months we have all been through a great dea together. With what happened to my dad, his break up with is wife and preparing for this sad day. Not to mention all of the crazy fun nights out and the times at the pool. Michael and I have become pretty close with Kevin and we will keep him in our hearts and prays over the next year. We will miss him dearly!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Greetings from Georgia!

I too have been suckered into the wonderful world of blogging. I know that most everyone knows that we moved to GA and why, but I am not very creative so I used the first thoughts that came to my head. My goal with my blogg is to keep you all updated on our life in Georgia. Now, I may not write everyday, heck it may take a whole week or maybe even longer to come up with something interesting to put on my blog. What can I say......I do not lead the most exciting life but I try. Things around here have gotten a bit more exciting since my seventeen year old niece came to live with us for a while. Man, I forget how much drama one teenage can have. Everyday is a new challenge. I guess it is getting me ready for motherhood. I will admit one thing, I have developed an all new respect for my parent, because they had 3 teenagers at one time. WOW! How they did not ever just pack up and leave us behind is beyond me. One is a challenge but 3, now that's just crazy!
Well, its getting late and I need to get to bed. I will work at my bloggs, and try to make them more entertaining or at least not just random thoughts. Goodnight and sweet dreams to all!