Just Peachy......

We are back in Texas, actually we have been here for awhile now. It's good to be home!

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Sorry that it has taken me so long to get this blog out, I have been really busy.

Laparoscopy lets the doctor see your reproductive organs close up. After the anesthesia, small incisions are made in the abdomen. This way, the laparoscope and other surgical tools can be inserted to perform the procedure. If a closer look is needed they will inflate the abdomen with carbon dioxide.

During surgery I will be put on a special table that can be tilted to help the doctor can reach the reproductive organs. An IV will be inserted to give medications and fluids. Once the anesthesia is given, the abdomen is inflated with gas and incisions are made. At the end of the surgery, the gas is released and the incisions are closed.

Possible risks and complications of surgery are infection, bleeding, risks of anesthesia, blood clots, larger incisions and damage to blood vessels, nerves, muscles or nearby pelvic structures.

Recovery is not too bad. If everything goes well during surgery I will go home that day, in some cases you might have to stay one or more nights. When I go home I might have some shoulder pain from the gas used to inflate the abdomen and the incisions maybe sore. But, I will be given medication to take care of all that.

Everything should be just fine. I am not looking forward to having this surgery but I hope that it will help us over come the infertility problems. I will keep everyone informed as I get more information.


  • At 1:03 PM , Blogger Krit said...

    Sounds nerve-wracking. It is something I'll be glad to see over. Hopefully you'll find out the problem and it will be something simple and everything will work out.

    Love ya Sis! Thanks for the info.


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